Process standardization and automation
Decrease of more than a thousand hours dedicated to the project
Greater control and visibility over processes
To stimulate the creative potential of employees and continuous improvement and process innovation, Hyundai created the Minha Ideia Brilhante program in 2013, focused on capturing, evaluating and monitoring innovative suggestions generated within the company. Since its creation, the program has registered more than 20,000 ideas, implemented 8,000 of them, and awarded approximately 500 prizes to participants.
However, the registration and approval process for ideas was completely manual. To give you an idea, employees filled in printed forms and deposited them in a suggestion box, which were later collected, analyzed and controlled using parallel spreadsheets.
Hyundai's Quality Supervisor, Fernanda Zucoloto, recalls that the time spent in executing the flow of ideas was extremely long. In 2020, 1,156 hours were spent on rework, the equivalent of six months. "Controls were carried out using spreadsheets and some stages of the process required the manual collection of signatures, making it impossible to automatically manage deadlines and responsibilities, leading to a loss of data," she reports.
Hyundai, which already used the SoftExpert solution for document management, automated the ideas program by creating the Minha Ideia Brilhante portal on the SoftExpert Suite platform. Libele Silva, Hyundai Quality Assurance analyst and person responsible for the project, explains that the company mapped the entire process to identify the bottlenecks and designed a new flow, contemplating various possible scenarios. "Initially, we identified what the platform could offer, according to our needs, and after executing the planning and development, we trained the entire leadership team, created manuals and videos to help people understand the system, and we even ran an internal campaign entitled: share ideas with 1 click,” she explains. The SoftExpert Suite solution allows you to register and monitor ideas in real time, in all stages, via a structured and automated system. In the first six months alone, the portal had registered 1,485 ideas, with 866 ideas in progress and 231 already implemented. Requests made before automation were included on the platform to facilitate monitoring, totaling 4,000 records.
Today, the process of registering and approving ideas, which used to take days to complete, can be done in a few minutes, eliminating delays and manual work in a continuous flow where everything is registered in the system and can be consulted in real time. Libele notes that the suggestions that used to be controlled using parallel spreadsheets with follow-ups via email have been replaced by a portal full of useful and fully customizable data, with automatic reminders, allowing employees to register and monitor their suggestions in a simple and quick manner, in addition to redeeming points, with just a few clicks. “This greatly facilitated the execution of the flow and the effective management of data by management, allowing for more focused and objective action planning,” she emphasizes. For the Quality Assurance analyst, the agility of users to carry out activities and management is one of the main benefits.
"We had very positive feedback from employees, as the system facilitated the follow-up of everyone involved in the process, providing more control and autonomy for the management of the ideas generated," she explains.